豊永敬之の括約筋間痔瘻の根治手術後の肛門機能障害・括約筋障害の論文 of 福岡県飯塚市の肛門科・胃腸科の専門クリニック 豊永医院 痔の日帰り手術・痛くない楽な大腸カメラ・胃カメラ 福岡・飯塚・北九州・田川・直方・宮若・嘉麻・鞍手・笹栗

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福岡県飯塚市の肛門科・胃腸科の専門クリニック 豊永医院 痔の日帰り手術・痛くない楽な大腸カメラ・胃カメラ 福岡・飯塚・北九州・田川・直方・宮若・嘉麻・鞍手・笹栗 since 2009-04-15


Factors affecting continence after fistulotomy for intersphincteric fistula-in-ano

Int J Colorectal Dis 22(9): 1071-5, 2007

Takayuki Toyonaga, Makoto Matsushima, Nobuhito Sogawa, Song Jiang Feng, Naomi Matsumura, Yasuhiro Shimojima, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Kazunori Suzuki, Junnichi Masuda, Masao Tanaka (Matsuhsima Hospital)


Background and aims: This study was undertaken to determine the incidence of and risk factors for anal incontinence after fistulotomy for intersphincteric fistula-in-ano. We also evaluated the role of anal manometry in preoperative assessment of intersphincteric fistula.
Methods: A prospective, observational study was undertaken in 148 patients who underwent fistulotomy for intersphincteric fistula between January and December 2004. Functional results were assessed by standard questionnaire and anal manometry. Possible factors predicting of postoperative incontinence were examined by univariate and multivariate regression analyses.
Results: The mean follow-up period was 12 months. Postoperative anal incontinence occurred in 30 patients (20.3%), i.e., soiling in 6, incontinence for flatus in 27 and incontinence for liquid stool in 4. Fistulotomy significantly decreased maximum resting pressure (85.9 ± 20.4 to 60.2 ± 18.4 mmHg, P < 0.0001) and length of the high pressure zone (3.92 ± 0.69 to 3.82 ± 0.77 cm, P = 0.035), but it did not affect voluntary contraction pressure (164.7 ± 85.2 to 160.3 ± 84.8 mmHg, P = 0.2792). Multivariate analysis showed low voluntary contraction pressure and multiple previous drainage surgeries to be independent risk factors for postoperative incontinence.
Conclusion: Fistulotomy produces a satisfactory outcome in terms of eradicating sepsis and preserving function in the vast majority of patients with intersphincteric fistula with intact sphincters. However, sphincter-preserving treatment may be advocated for patients with low preoperative voluntary contraction pressure or those who have undergone multiple drainage surgeries. Preoperative anal manometry is useful in determining the proper surgical procedure.


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